Sample Itinerary

Dynamic Compression Summer School Itinerary

  • Day 1: Introduces dynamic compression science and the fundamentals of matter at high pressure.
  • Day 2: Continues with the foundations of dynamic compression, followed by an introduction to the opportunities available in dynamic compression science at the Institute of Shock Physics (ISP) at Washington State University.
  • Days 3 and 4: Builds upon the foundations laid during the first two days and focuses on applications of dynamic compression to address scientific problems in various areas including: materials science, geophysics and planetary physics, phase transformations, chemistry and mechanical engineering.
  • Day 5: Provides an overview of career opportunities in dynamic compression science, with perspectives by speakers from each of the three major National Laboratories (Lawrence Livermore, Los Alamos, and Sandia).

For more information about previous speakers click on the Previous Presenters and Topics link.

In addition, activities such as a reception, pizza outing, and banquet will be organized for participants and speakers.

Dynamic Compression Sector at Argonne National Laboratory, Advanced Photon Source. A Tour of the Dynamic Compression Sector will be included.