
The Dynamic Compression Sector (DCS) is a user facility for synchrotron-based dynamic compression science studies.  The DCS beam time is available to the scientific community through the General User Program of the Advanced Photon Source.  Extensive training and support is available to users through both informal and formal programs.

The Dynamic Compression Sector, with a focus on time-resolved X-ray diffraction and imaging measurements in materials subjected to dynamic compression, provides in-situ, time-resolved, measurements at microscopic length scales to achieve a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms governing a broad range of time-dependent, condensed matter phenomena (structural transformations, inelastic deformation and fracture, and chemical reactions) under dynamic loading.  Such measurements are also essential for validating multi-scale modeling of the key materials phenomena under shock wave and shockless compression.

Scientific Mission

The Dynamic Compression Sector (DCS) established a new paradigm for the understanding of dynamic compression of materials at multiple length scales. A key scientific feature of dynamic compression experiments coupled to high-energy, tunable X-ray probes is their ability to afford time-resolved, in-situ, atomistic-scale investigations of condensed matter phenomena “on-the-fly” or as they occur. The DCS capabilities address long-standing scientific challenges with the potential for unprecedented scientific payoff in the areas of structural changes, deformation and fracture, and chemical reactions. In addition, the DCS provides hands-on training for the next generation of scientists in this exciting field.